Your litigation lawyers in Greater Montreal Metropolitan Area: Montreal, Laval, Longueuil, Brossard
In the realm of litigation, our law firm protects our clients' rights and interests in front of various courts in the Quebec judicial system. Our litigation lawyers represent clients in a diverse range of legal matters, from commercial and civil disputes to family litigation. We file various motions on behalf of individuals and corporations, including originating applications, applications for permanent and provisional injunctions, safeguard orders, applications for the recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments and arbitral awards, and many others.
Montreal is a thriving multicultural city where immigrants from all over the world settle. As a result, we often deal with legal issues involving foreign individuals and corporations, and we are familiar with the specifics of cross-border litigations. Our lawyers have extensive experience working in collaboration with lawyers in other jurisdictions when it is necessary and useful.
We understand that legal issues require a straightforward and professional approach. We strive to provide timely and effective resolutions. Whether you're facing family-related complexities or urgent legal matters demanding injunctions or safeguard orders, our team of litigation lawyers is committed to delivering practical and trustworthy legal solutions.
At SDN Legal Inc., our emphasis is on professionalism, tailored strategies, and achieving optimal results for our clients. We prioritize clarity and reliability in our legal services, ensuring that clients receive sound guidance and effective representation in various courts in the province of Quebec, including representations in the Court of Quebec, Superior Court of Quebec, before administrative tribunals, such like before a Rental board (Tribunal administratif du logement), and before the Court of Appeal of Quebec.
Our team of experienced litigation lawyers is dedicated to offering legal advice, providing information, assisting in drafting necessary legal procedures, and representing you in court. By being well-informed, guided, and represented, you can alleviate stress and enhance your chances of receiving a fair judgment.
Our primary goals are to provide you with sound advice and to represent you effectively to ensure your rights are upheld.
Our comprehensive services encompass notably the following:
Provisional and permanent
injunctions (cease & desist requests)
Family disputes (divorce,
separation, alimentary support)
Recognition and enforcement of
foreign judgments
Actions in passing the
Representation before the TAL
(Rental Board)
Representations in the
Court of appeal of Quebec
Seizure before
Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards
О нас
SDN Legal inc - это многопрофильная юридическая фирма в Монреале (Квебек, Канада), предлагающая широкий спектр юридических услуг с учетом конкретных потребностей и ситуаций каждого клиента. В нашу команду входят опытные юристы, специализирующиеся в различных областях, что позволяет нам предоставлять не только традиционные юридические услуги, но и профессиональную поддержку при принятии важных решений в жизни наших клиентов.
Наша практика в первую очередь сосредоточена на гражданских и коммерческих судебных разбирательствах, семейном праве, защите детей, международном частном праве, трансграничных судебных разбирательствах, жилищном праве, праве недвижимости, корпоративном праве и коммерческих сделках. Эффективность и профессионализм являются нашими основными ценностями. Гибкая структура небольшой фирмы позволяет нам предоставлять высококачественные услуги без затрат, обычно присущих более крупным фирмам. Мы гордимся тем, что предоставляем нашим клиентам отличный сервис, сохраняя при этом доступные цены. Наша команда обслуживает все муниципалитеты региона Монреаля, предлагая услуги на английском, французском, русском и немецком языках.
Связаться с нами
Наш адрес
1080, Sherbrooke Street West, suite 410, Montreal (QC) H3H 1E8
Тел.: +1 (514) 600-6025
Факс: +1 (514) 900-3834